Saturday 200229

5 attempts at each of the following:

Broad jump 50 ft. in as few jumps as possible
3 pull-ups as slow as possible
Max set of strict freestanding handstand push-ups

Rest as needed between attempts.

Post lowest number of jumps, longest pull-up time, and reps of handstand push-ups to comments. | Compare to 170613.

Friday 200228

Rest Day

Post thoughts to comments.

Thursday 200227

3 rounds, SLOWLY, of:

5 strict toes-to-bars
5 strict knees-to-elbows
10 toes-to-bars
10 hip-back extensions
20 back extensions
20 hip extensions

Post time to comments. | Compare to 161031.

Wednesday 200226

3 rounds for time of:

30 overhead squats
800-m run

♀ 55 lb. ♂ 75 lb.

Post time to comments.

Tuesday 200225

Practice SLIPS for 20 minutes

Push jerk 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps

Post loads to comments. | Compare to 190228.

Monday 200224

Rest Day

Post thoughts to comments.

Sunday 200223

8 rounds for max reps of:

20 seconds of deadlifts, rest 10 seconds
20 seconds of handstand push-ups, rest 10 seconds

♀ 155 lb. ♂ 225 lb.

Post total reps completed at each exercise to comments.

Saturday 200222

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:

20 GHD sit-ups
5 strict muscle-ups

Post rounds completed to comments. | Compare to 181205.

Friday 200221

Practice SLIPS for 40 minutes

Row 1,000 m for time

Post row time to comments.

Thursday 200220

Rest Day

Post thoughts to comments.

Wednesday 200219


21-15-9 reps for time of:

Ring dips

♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb.

Post time to comments. | Compare to 180405.

Tuesday 200218

Hard Cindy

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 weighted pull-ups
10 push-ups with feet on a box
15 squats holding a plate

♀ 25-lb. pull-ups, feet on 24-in. box, hold 25-lb. plate
♂ 35-lb. pull-ups, feet on 30-in. box, hold 45-lb. plate

Post rounds completed to comments. | Compare to 140103.

Monday 200217

Practice backward roll to support on rings

Row 750 m for time

Post row time to comments.

Sunday 200216

Rest Day

Post thoughts to comments.

Saturday 200215

4 rounds for time of:

30 GHD sit-ups
30 hip extensions
100-ft. handstand walk

Post time to comments. | Compare to 180219.

Friday 200214

4 rounds for time of:

400-m run
200-m farmers carry

♀ 35-lb. DBs
♂ 50-lb. DBs

Post time to comments. | Compare to 181006.

Thursday 200213

Sots press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

Row 500 m for time

Post loads from the press and row time to comments.

Wednesday 200212

Rest Day

Post thoughts to comments.

Tuesday 200211

On a 15-minute running clock, for max reps:

5 rounds of:
20 seconds of pull-ups, 10 seconds of rest
20 seconds of push-ups, 10 seconds of rest
Then, 5 rounds of squats and GHD sit-ups
Then, 5 rounds of of rowing and double-unders

Post total reps completed at each exercise to comments.

Monday 200210


30 snatches for time

♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb.

Post time to comments. | Compare to 120717.

Sunday 200209

Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Row 750 m for time

Post loads and row time to comments.

Saturday 200208

Rest Day

Post thoughts to comments.

Friday 200207

12-9-6 reps for time of:

Bar muscle-ups

♀ 205 lb. ♂ 315 lb.

Post time to comments. | Compare to 141129.

Thursday 200206

Practice SLIPS for 20 minutes.

Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

Post loads to comments. | Compare to 180404.

Wednesday 200205

3 rounds of:

7 dumbbell bench presses
5 strict L pull-ups

Row 1,000 m for time

Post total dumbbell load as a percentage of body weight, and post row time. | Compare to 190123.

Tuesday 200204

Rest Day

Post thoughts to comments.

Monday 200203

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

10 handstand push-ups to 6-in. deficit
20-calorie row
30 single-leg squats, alternating

Post rounds completed to comments. | Compare to 170222.

Sunday 200202

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 power snatches
7 toes-to-bars
9 box jumps

♀ 75 lb., 20-in. box
♂ 115 lb., 24-in. box

Post rounds completed to comments.

Saturday 200201

5 rounds for time of:

20 wall-ball shots
10 deadlifts

♀ 14-lb. ball, 155-lb. barbell
♂ 20-lb. ball, 225-lb. barbell

Post time to comments. | Compare to 150718.
