workout of the day

Monday 110523


Seven rounds of:
35 Double-unders
1 Snatch

Make one snatch attempt per round.

Kevin Montoya 4:18/1050lbs, Kristan Clever 6:45/1015lbs, Rebecca Voigt 6:23/750lbs, Lindsey Valenzuela 8:32/960lbs.
Post time and total of all successful snatches to comments. Do not count missed reps.

"Coaches Prep Course: Group Programming" with Chris Spealler, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

"Teaching People How To Run" with Dr. Nicolas Romanov - video [wmv] [mov]

Kevin Montoya on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]

Valley CrossFit on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."
- Jim Rohn

Workout Image for 20110523

CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Courses: CrossFit Velocity, CrossFit SS, CrossFit FX TX, University of San Diego, CrossFit Fort Meade.
CrossFit Coaches Prep Course: Trident CrossFit.
CrossFit Kids Course: CrossFit Novato.