Friday 250321

For time:
1,000-meter row
30 dumbbell thrusters
20 pull-ups
5 legless rope climbs to 15 feet
1,000-meter row
5 legless rope climbs to 15 feet
20 pull-ups
30 dumbbell thrusters
1,000-meter row

♀ 20-lb dumbbells
♂ 35-lb dumbbells

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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a pyramid scheme. Your goal should be to complete this effort in 30 minutes or less. Perform the row as prescribed as long as you can keep each to 5 minutes or less. Use a weight for the dumbbells that allows you to maintain sets of 10 thrusters at a time. For the pull-ups, choose an option that allows you to complete your reps in 2 minutes or less. Get after it today!

Reduce the load of the dumbbells, the distance of the row, and/or the volume of the pull-ups and legless rope climbs.

To reduce the complexity of the pull-ups, consider ring rows or jumping pull-ups. For the legless rope climbs, consider reducing the height of the climb or performing regular rope climbs using your legs.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the row with a 2,500-meter Echo bike or an 800-meter run. For the thrusters, consider dumbbell front squats if you have an overhead limitation or push presses if you have a squat limitation. If you are unable to hang from the bar, consider ring rows or bent-over rows for the pull-ups and pull-to-stands for the rope climbs.

Intermediate option:
For time:
800-meter row
30 dumbbell thrusters
20 pull-ups
3 legless rope climbs to 12 feet
800-meter row
3 legless rope climbs to 12 feet
20 pull-ups
30 dumbbell thrusters
800-meter row

15-lb dumbbells
25-lb dumbbells

Beginner option:
For time:
400-meter row
20 dumbbell thrusters
10 ring rows
5 pull-to-stands
400-meter row
5 pull-to-stands
10 ring rows
20 dumbbell thrusters
400-meter row

10-lb dumbbells
15-lb dumbbells

Coaching cues:
On the dumbbell thrusters, let the back head of each dumbbell rest on your shoulders. This allows the body to support the load. Then, with the weight on the shoulders, stand up quickly and think about jumping the weight off the shoulders.

The Dumbbell Thruster
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Legless Rope Climb
The Ring Row
The Rope Climb (Wrapping)
The Rope Climb (Basket)
Modified Rope Climb: Pull-to-Stand

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Wednesday 250319

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 double-unders
5 hang power snatches
5 strict handstand push-ups

♀ 105-lb barbell
♂ 155-lb barbell

Post rounds and reps to comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a triplet with a lower volume of reps in each set. Expect to perform at least 6 rounds. Round times may decrease due to upper-body fatigue, and the interfering lockout positions of the hang power snatch and strict handstand push-up. By design, this workout demands upper-body stamina, strength, and endurance. To avoid hitting a wall, be intentional with your rest time between movements and focus on using your legs in the hang power snatches to get the barbell overhead. Work hard and have fun.

Reduce the loading of the barbell.

To reduce the complexity of the jump rope, work for no more than 30 seconds, accumulating double-under reps. If necessary, perform single-unders or penguin hops. For the strict handstand push-ups, reduce the reps to no less than 3 in each round. You can also perform dumbbell push presses or shoulder presses as an alternative.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider riding a bike for 30 seconds per round in place of the jump rope. If you have an overhead limitation, perform single-arm dumbbell snatches or hang power cleans in place of the hang power snatches. As for the strict handstand push-ups, consider push-ups or plank holds.

Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 double-unders
5 hang power snatches
3 strict handstand push-ups

75-lb barbell
115-lb barbell

Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 single-unders
5 hang power snatches
5 dumbbell shoulder presses

35-lb barbell and 15-lb dumbbells
45-lb barbell and 20-lb dumbbells

Coaching cues:
On the hang power snatch, pull the barbell into your body by engaging your lats. Imagine sticking your lats in your back pocket through the first and second pull of the lift.

The Double-Under
The Hang Power Snatch
The Strict Handstand Push-Up
The Dumbbell Shoulder Press

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Tuesday 250318

4 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
50 air squats

Compare to 231222.

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Stimulus and Strategy:
Even though it doesn’t have a name, today’s workout is a benchmark. Those of you who have completed it in the past know its potency. As a frame of reference, choose options that allow you to keep the run efforts to 2:15 or less and the air squats to 1:30 or less. Push the pace on the run and try not to stop on the air squats. Move at a steady pace on the air squats, and remember to breathe. Expect lactic acid to build up on the squats, but once you get out on the run, that feeling will subside.

Reduce the distance of the run. Reduce the number of air squats in each set.

To reduce the complexity of the air squats, consider squatting to a target and moving through a pain-free range of motion.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting a 900/1,250-meter Echo bike or 400/500-meter row in place of the run. If squatting is not an option, consider lunges or unloaded good mornings.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
4 rounds for time of:
200-meter run
20 air squats

Coaching cues:
Resist the urge to “fall” to the bottom of the air squat. Instead, focus on pulling yourself down to the end range of motion by screwing your feet into the ground, pressing your hips back and down, and pulling your chest up away from the ground.

CrossFit Running Course
The Air Squat

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Wednesday 250312

30-20-10 reps for time of:
Calories on the Echo bike

Perform a 100-meter front-of-body object carry after each set on the bike.

♀ 80 lb
♂ 100 lb

Post time to the comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a shorter effort. Aim to sprint the calories on the bike and keep a steady pace on the object carry. For the object carry, use anything you have available. This can be a sandbag, D-ball, one or two kettlebells or dumbbells, or a barbell. Work hard and have fun.

Reduce the loading of the object and reduce the calories on the bike.

To reduce the complexity of the front-of-body object carry, consider the type of object you hold. Some objects may be held more easily than others.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the bike with a rower, ski erg, or air runner. For the object carry, consider performing a farmers carry or holding the object on either shoulder as opposed to the front-of-body position.

Intermediate option:
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Calories on the Echo bike

Perform a 100-meter front-of-body object carry after each set on the bike.

50 lb
70 lb

Beginner option:
15-12-9 reps for time of:
Calories on the Echo bike

Perform a 100-meter front-of-body object carry after each set on the bike.

15 lb
25 lb

Coaching cues:
When carrying something in front of your body, focus on keeping your mid-section tight and avoid leaning back. The more rigid you can keep your torso, the better.

Rogue Echo Bike.
Odd Object Move WOD Demo From 230321

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Tuesday 250311

On a continuously running clock, every 7 minutes for 3 sets, complete:
800-meter run
40 double-unders
20 GHD sit-ups
10 ring dips

Post your fastest and slowest times to comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout contains three intervals. The goal is to complete each interval as quickly as possible and within the 7-minute clock so you have rest between sets, which will allow you to hit each interval at a good pace.

Reduce the distance of the run. If possible, maintain the volume of each movement, but reduce the complexity of each.

If you are unfamiliar with or have not been training consistently with the GHD, reduce the range of motion or perform weighted sit-ups or AbMat sit-ups. For the double-unders, perform attempts for 1 minute or 40 singles. For the ring dips, lower the rings closer to the ground and use your legs for assistance. If necessary, perform a box or bench dip.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the run with a 1,750/2,500-meter Echo bike or an 800/1,000-meter row. For the double-unders, perform jumping jacks or low box step-ups for no more than 1 minute. For the sit-ups, perform 30-second to 1-minute plank holds. For the ring dips, consider foot-assisted box or bench dips, or push-ups with your hands on a 30-inch box.

Intermediate option:
On a continuously running clock, every 7 minutes for 3 sets, complete:
800-meter run
20 double-unders
20 GHD sit-ups to parallel
10 ring dips

Beginner option:
On a continuously running clock, every 7 minutes for 3 sets, complete:
400-meter run
40 single-unders
20 sit-ups
10 foot-assisted ring dips

Coaching cues:
On the rings, as you lower your body down, keep your legs extended. Then, as you get ready to press up, focus on driving your knees to your chest and then pressing the rings into your pockets.

Running: Line Drills
The Double-Under
The GHD Sit-Up
The Ring Dip
Ring Dip Scaling

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Saturday 250308

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
30 burpees
20 kettlebell swings
10 50-foot shuttle runs (25 feet out and 25 feet back)

♀ 35-lb kettlebell
♂ 53-lb kettlebell

Post rounds and reps to the comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a longer-duration grind. If you completed the Open workout yesterday, consider using this workout as an opportunity to move, get the blood flowing, and have some fun. If this is a normal training day, treat it as such and get after it. Choose a weight for the kettlebell swings that allows you to complete the reps in 2 sets or less.

Reduce the loading of the kettlebell. To reduce the total volume of the workout, reduce the duration to 10-15 minutes.

To reduce the complexity of the burpees, perform up-downs. For the kettlebell swings, reduce the range of motion to Russian kettlebell swings or kettlebell deadlifts. For the shuttle run, consider a movement substitution.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider using a movement substitution for the shuttle runs. Perform a 500/700-meter Echo bike or a 200/250-meter row.

Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
30 burpees
20 kettlebell swings
10 50-foot shuttle runs (25 feet out and 25 feet back)

26-lb kettlebell
35-lb kettlebell

Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
15 burpees
15 kettlebell swings
10 50-foot shuttle runs (25 feet out and 25 feet back)

18-lb kettlebell
26-lb kettlebell

Coaching cues:
To maximize your efficiency on the shuttle runs, anticipate your turn or change of direction. Aim to begin your turn a few steps before, plant with your outside foot, stay low, and accelerate into the next straight away.

The Burpee
The Kettlebell Swing

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Wednesday 250305

For time:
400-meter run
30 box jump-overs
800-meter run
30 box jump-overs
400-meter run

♀ 24-inch box
♂ 30-inch box

Post times to the comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a pyramid rep scheme with two movements. This is a moderate-duration effort that challenges you to push the pace with an elevated heart rate. The box jump-overs are slightly higher and require a bit more effort and focus as you are moving from one side to the other. Push the pace on each run and keep moving on the box jump-overs.

Reduce the distance of the run and volume of the box jump-overs.

To reduce the complexity of the run, consider reducing the distance or substituting with an alternative. For the box jump-overs, reduce the height of the box to a height that allows you to maintain the jump. If necessary, consider stepping up as opposed to jumping.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the 400-meter run with a 900/1,250-meter Echo bike or a 400/500-meter row. For the 800-meter run, substitute with a 1,750/2,500-meter Echo bike or an 800/1,000-meter row. For the box jump-overs, reduce the height and perform step-ups or lunges.

Intermediate option:
For time:
400-meter run
30 box jump-overs
800-meter run
30 box jump-overs
400-meter run

20-inch box
24-inch box

Beginner option:
For time:
200-meter run
20 box step-overs
400-meter run
20 box step-overs
200-meter run

12-inch box
20-inch box

Coaching cues:
To speed up the box jump-overs, try turning 180 degrees on top of the box before stepping down. This turn on top of the box will set you up to perform the next box jump-over because you will be facing the box and prepared for the next rep.

Running: Pulling in Place Drill
Box Jump-Over Variations
Box Step-Over

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Saturday 250301

5 rounds for total reps of:
1 minute of row calories
1 minute of GHD hip extensions
1 minute of strict pull-ups

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Post total reps to the comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout allows you to choose your own adventure. Push the pace in each minute or pull back depending on how you are feeling. If you performed the Open workout yesterday, you may need to take today as an active recovery day. Either way, choose options for the GHD hip extensions and the strict pull-ups that allow you to move for the majority of the minute. Today’s workout is a great opportunity for newer athletes to build capacity and practice the GHD hip extension. That said, reduce the range of motion as needed to focus on maintaining a rigid, unchanging back position.

To reduce the volume of reps accumulated, reduce the total number of rounds in today’s effort.

To reduce the complexity of the GHD hip extension, reduce the range of motion. Athletes who are unfamiliar with the movement can perform a good morning unweighted or with an empty barbell. As for the strict pull-ups, perform banded strict pull-ups or ring rows. If you choose to use a band for strict pull-ups, choose one that allows you to complete consistent sets of 3-5 reps.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the row with a run, bike, or ski erg. For the GHD hip extension, perform an unloaded good morning. For the strict pull-ups, perform a ring row or a bent-over row with a dumbbell.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
3 rounds for total reps of:
1 minute of row calories
1 minute of unloaded good mornings
1 minute of ring rows

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Coaching cues:
In the GHD hip extensions, consider a string linking your belly bottom to your sternum. As you lower your torso, pull the string tight. If your belly button gets closer to your sternum the string becomes loose and your back begins to round.

Rowing Technique Tips
The GHD Hip Extension
The Strict Pull-Up
Unloaded Good Mornings
The Ring Row

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Wednesday 250226

5 rounds for time of:
35 double-unders
200-meter run

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Compare to 220208.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today's workout is simple and effective. If it looks “too easy,” go faster. This is a short-to-moderate duration effort. If you can perform 35 double-unders in 2 minutes or less, do the workout as prescribed. Remember, on Friday we will be performing Open Workout 25.1 as the Workout of the Day. Moderate today’s effort accordingly.

Reduce the reps of the double-unders and the distance of the run.

To reduce the complexity of the double-unders, consider performing 2 minutes of double-under attempts or 35 single-unders.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the run with a 500/700-meter Echo bike, or a 200/250-meter row or ski erg. For the double-unders, consider jumping jacks or a low box step-up.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
4 rounds for time of:
35 single-unders
200-meter run

Coaching cues:
Focus on keeping your elbows and your hands close to your sides as you perform your double-unders. As these two points get further from the body, your rope gets shorter.

The Double-Under
From the Archives: Running Technique
The Single-Under

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Monday 250224

3 rounds for time of:
1,750/2,500-meter Echo bike
30 wall-ball shots
30 knees-to-elbows

♀ 14-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target
♂ 20-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target

Post times to the comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a longer effort. Find a pace on the bike you can maintain — avoid coming out hot on the bike and seeing your pace fall off. Sit up tall, breathe, and focus on your cadence. Choose options for the wall-ball shots and the knees-to-elbows that allow you to complete the 60 reps in 5 minutes or less per round. Work hard and have fun!

Reduce the distance on the bike. Reduce the loading of the medicine ball.

To reduce the complexity of the wall-ball shots, consider reducing the height of the target and the weight of the medicine ball. For the knees-to-elbows, reduce the range of motion. Consider performing knees-to-chests or hanging knee raises.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the bike with an 800-meter run, or 800/1,000 meters on the rower or ski erg. For the wall-ball shots, perform a medicine-ball front squat, dumbbell push press, or light dumbbell thruster. For the knees-to-elbows, perform V-ups or sit-ups.

Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
1,750/2,500-meter Echo bike
30 wall-ball shots
30 knees-to-chests

10-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target
14-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target

Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
900/1,250-meter Echo bike
15 wall-ball shots
15 hanging knee raises

10-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target
14-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target

Coaching cues:
On the knees-to-elbows, press down against the pull-up bar, lean back, and pull your knees up to your elbows.

Rogue Echo Bike
The Wall-Ball Shot
The Knees-to-Elbows
Kipping Hanging Knee Raises

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Friday 250221

For time:
1,000-meter row
400-meter dumbbell farmers carry
200-foot handstand walk
100-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge

♀ 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 50-lb dumbbells

Post times to comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a longer-duration chipper and you should expect it to be a grind. Relax your grip on the rower so you’re ready for the farmers carry. For the handstand walk, chip away in manageable chunks of the distance. Work hard and have fun today!

Reduce the distances of each movement. Reduce the loading of the dumbbells.

To reduce the complexity of the farmers carry, consider only carrying one dumbbell or doing a low-box dumbbell step-up. To scale the handstand walk, complete 5-7 full circles around a box with your feet on the box (walking laterally around the box). You can also scale the handstand walk to an inchworm or a bear crawl. To reduce the complexity of the lunge, use one dumbbell or no weight.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the row for an 800-meter run or a 1,750/2,500-meter Echo bike. For the farmers carry, perform 100 low-box step-ups. For the handstand walk, consider an alternating dumbbell shoulder press or shoulder taps in a plank hold. For the lunges, perform these with no load or an air squat to a target.

Intermediate option:
For time:
1,000-meter row
400-meter dumbbell farmers carry
100-foot handstand walk
100-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge

♀ 20-lb dumbbells
♂ 35-lb dumbbells

Beginner option:
For time:
500-meter row
200-meter dumbbell farmers carry
100-foot bear crawl
50-meter lunge

10-lb dumbbells
15-lb dumbbells

Coaching cues:
You are in control of the dumbbells — don't let the dumbbells control you. For the lunges, push your chest and shoulders up into the dumbbells, even as you descend, to maintain a strong posture that promotes longer sets by avoiding errant movement in weak positions.

The Dumbbell Farmers Carry
The Handstand Walk
The Dumbbell Front-Rack Lunge

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Tuesday 250218

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 GHD sit-ups
40 air squats
400-meter run

Post rounds and reps to comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout provides some contrast to yesterday’s upper-body stamina effort. Today tests your midline and lower-body stamina. Athletes should push to complete at least 3 rounds. Choose options that allow you to complete a single round in 5 minutes or less. Expect your legs to feel heavy in the first 100 meters of each run. Focus on picking up your feet, getting your body moving, and then increasing your pace.

Reduce the distance of the run. Reduce the reps of the air squats and GHD sit-ups.

If you are not familiar with or have not been training consistently with the GHD, reduce the complexity of the GHD sit-ups by reducing the range of motion to parallel or performing AbMat sit-ups. For the air squats, consider squatting to an elevated target that maximizes pain-free range of motion.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider performing plank shoulder taps or hollow rocks for the GHD sit-ups. For the air squats, perform lunges or low box step-ups. Consider 900/1,250 meters on the Echo bike or 400/500 meters on the rower or ski erg instead of the run.

Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 GHD sit-ups to parallel
40 air squats
400-meter run

Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 sit-ups
20 air squats
200-meter run

Coaching cues:
In the descent of the GHD sit-up, unlock your knees and keep your belly tight. As you reach your end range of motion, straighten your legs by squeezing your thighs and your belly, and driving your heels toward the wall in front of you.

The GHD Sit-Up
The Air Squat
Pose Running Drills | Pose Alignment
Training the GHD Sit-Up

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Monday 250210


For time:
2,400-meter run
150 burpees
2,400-meter run

If you’ve got a weight vest or body armor, wear it.

Post time to comments.

Compare to 140928.

Army Sgt. 1st Class Riley G. Stephens, 39, of Tolar, Texas, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), died Sept. 28, 2012, in Wardak, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by enemy small-arms fire. Stephens is survived by his wife Tiffany; children, Austin, Morgan, and Rylee Ann; parents, Michael and Joann; brother Ken; and several family members.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s Hero workout is a longer-duration effort. This is meant to be a grind, so expect this workout to take up to 60 minutes. Each run and the burpees should take no more than 20 minutes to complete (each). Athletes who are capable of completing this workout in 35 minutes or less can consider adding a weight vest or body armor. Most athletes should attempt this workout using their own body weight. Work hard and have fun.

Reduce the distance of the run and the repetitions of the burpees.

To adjust the complexity of the run, instead of reducing the distance, consider using a movement substitution like a bike or a rower. Perform 5,500 meters on an Echo bike or 2,500 meters on a rower or ski erg. For the burpees, reduce the range of motion by performing an up-down.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider the running substitutions mentioned above. For burpees, perform up-downs, push-ups, or mountain climbers.

Intermediate option:
For time:
2,400-meter run
150 burpees
2,400-meter run

Beginner option:
For time:
1,200-meter run
50 burpees
1,200-meter run

Coaching cues:
When you are performing the burpees, focus on jumping your feet to your hands and landing in your heels. This will help maximize efficiency across your reps.

CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts
Running | Change in Support Drill
The Burpee

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Friday 250207

On a 12-minute clock, complete:
75 wall-ball shots
800-meter run
Max burpee box jump-overs

♀ 14-lb ball to a 9-foot target and 24-inch box
♂ 20-lb ball to a 10-foot target and 30-inch box

Post reps to comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a challenge. The goal is to finish the wall-ball shots and run as quickly as possible, and then complete as many burpee box jump-overs as possible in the remaining time. Both the wall-ball shots and the run should take no more than 5 minutes each to complete. This will leave you with at least 2 minutes to complete burpee box jump-overs. Push the pace from the beginning and hold on for the ride.

Reduce the loading of the wall-ball shots to maintain at least 15 reps per minute. If needed, reduce the reps as well as the load. Reduce the distance of the run to hit the intended time domain.

To reduce the complexity of the wall-ball shot, consider reducing the height of the target or simply performing a thruster with the medicine ball. For the burpee box jump-overs, reduce the height of the box or perform box step-overs.

In case of an injury or limitation, perform a medicine-ball front squat or push press. For the 800-meter run, consider biking 1,750/2,500 meters on an Echo bike or rowing 800/1,000 meters. On the burpee box jump-overs, perform up-downs in place of the burpee and step-ups to a low target for box jumps.

Intermediate option:
On a 12-minute clock, complete:
75 wall-ball shots
800-meter run
Max burpee box jump-overs

10-lb ball to a 9-foot target and 20-inch box
14-lb ball to a 10-foot target and 24-inch box

Beginner option:
On a 12-minute clock, complete:
50 wall-ball shots
400-meter run
Max burpee box step-overs

6-lb ball to a 9-foot target and 12-inch box
10-lb ball to a 10-foot target and 20-inch box

Coaching cues:
To increase your pace on the burpee box jump-overs, begin rotating on top of the box and step down facing the box before going into your next rep.

The Wall-Ball Shot
Running: Falling Forward Drill
Burpee Box Jump-Over

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Wednesday 250205

10 rounds for time of:
7/10-calorie Echo bike
1 legless rope climb to 15 feet

Post time to comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a back-and-forth “sprint.” While the workout, in its entirety, should be completed in 15 minutes or less, each round should be a sprint. Choose options that allow you to keep each round to 90 seconds or less.

Reduce the calories on the bike and the height of the rope climb.

To reduce the complexity of the legless rope climb, perform the movement with assistance from your legs or reduce the height of the climb.

In case of an injury or limitation, perform pull-to-stands in place of the rope climb. For the calories on the bike, consider a 150-meter row or a 150-meter run.

Intermediate option:
7 rounds for time of:
7/10-calorie Echo bike
1 legless rope climb to 12 feet

Beginner option:
5 rounds for time of:
6/8-calorie Echo bike
2 pull-to-stands

Coaching cues:
Use your legs to generate momentum on the legless rope climbs. Work on timing your right leg with your right arm and vice versa. As one leg thrusts upward, that arm should then reach for the next grab on the rope.

Rogue Echo Bike
The Legless Rope Climb
Modified Rope Climb: Pull-to-Stand

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Tuesday 250128

5 rounds, each for time, of:
400-meter run
Rest 2 minutes

Post your fastest and slowest times to comments.

Compare to 231120.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is running intervals. If you have performed this workout in the past, look back at your scores and use them to help you today. Each interval should be treated as a near-maximal effort and should take no more than 2 minutes to complete.

Reduce the distance to achieve the intended time domain.

To reduce the complexity or in the case of a limitation, consider substituting with any machine available. Perform 900/1,250 meters on an Echo bike or 400/500 meters on a rower or ski erg.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
5 rounds, each for time, of:
200-meter run
Rest 2 minutes

Coaching cues:
Move your feet fast, but don't forget about your arms. At any point where you reach near-max speeds, keep your shoulders square and pump your arms with your elbows held at a 90-degree angle. Applying a conscious effort toward your upper-body movement this way can bolster speed by utilizing your entire body more efficiently, and not just your lower half.

CAP Tips: Running Position Drill
CAP Tips: Running Pulling in Place
CAP Tips: Running Falling Forward
CAP Tips: Running Change in Support Drill

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Wednesday 250122

Complete as many reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
400-meter run
30 GHD sit-ups
20 box jumps
10 power cleans

♀ 20-inch box and 145-lb barbell
♂ 24-inch box and 205-lb barbell

Post rounds and reps to comments.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is heavier and a longer duration. The goal is to perform 3 or more rounds. The loading of the barbell should be moderately heavy and allow you to perform singles for most of the workout. Expect the GHD sit-ups and box jumps to fatigue your quads, hip flexors, and explosive movement. Because of this, your cleans may feel heavier than expected. Focus on being as tall as possible and getting the shoulders behind the barbell at the top of the lift before pulling into the receiving position. For the GHD sit-ups, if you are not familiar with this movement and consistently training on the GHD, reduce the reps and range of motion.

Reduce the distance of each run. Reduce the reps on the box jumps and GHD sit-ups. Reduce the loading of the barbell.

To reduce the complexity of the box jump, lower the height to maintain the jump or perform a step-up. For the GHD sit-up, reduce the range of motion or perform a V-up or a sit-up. For the power cleans, consider performing the reps from the hang position or with a pair of dumbbells.

In case of injury or limitation, for the 400-meter run, perform a 900/1,250-meter Echo bike or 400/500-meter row. For the box jumps, perform step-ups or lunges. For the GHD sit-ups, perform sit-ups or plank shoulder taps.

Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
400-meter run
30 GHD sit-ups to parallel
20 box jumps
10 power cleans

♀ 20-inch box and 105-lb barbell
♂ 24-inch box and 155-lb barbell

Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
200-meter run
20 sit-ups
15 box step-ups
10 power cleans

12-inch box and 35-lb barbell
20-inch box and 45-lb barbell

Coaching cues:
During the power clean, stay patient on your second pull. Once the barbell passes your knees, continue to keep your shoulders over your bar and wait until the barbell gets close to your hips before you extend the hips and begin the third pull.

The Box Jump
The GHD Sit-Up
The Power Clean
The Box Step-Up
The AbMat Sit-Up

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Tuesday 250121

Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
Calories on the Echo bike

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Stimulus and Strategy:
There is nothing fancy about today’s workout — it’s just you and the “friendly” bike. A good benchmark is to try to accumulate your body weight in calories. That said, this is a “pain cave” kind of effort. How deep are you willing to go? Experienced athletes should try to maintain an uncomfortable pace for as long as possible. Less-experienced athletes should work at a pace that allows them to stay consistent, breathe, and maintain good posture.

This workout is self-scalable. Slow down, breathe, and find a pace that allows you to recover. Speed up when you can speed up and slow down when you need to slow down. In case of injury or limitation, perform this workout on any machine available.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.

Coaching cues:
Maintaining good posture on the bike can go a long way in mid-workout recovery. Focus on sitting up taller, opening up your airways, and allowing your lungs to get more air.

Rogue Echo Bike
Annie Sakamoto vs. the Echo Bike From 240119

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Saturday 250118

For time:
1,000-meter row
50 deadlifts
30 handstand push-ups

♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb

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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is inspired by the classic CrossFit workout Jackie. Your goal is to finish in 10 minutes or less. Just like Jackie, you need to push the pace on the rower. The workout isn’t won here, but it can certainly be lost. The load of the barbell should feel light and allow you to knock out larger chunks of reps. On the handstand push-ups — just like the pull-ups in Jackie — use whatever you have left in the tank to get across the finish line.

Reduce the loading of the barbell to maintain sets of 15 reps or more.

To reduce the complexity of the deadlift, consider performing a sumo deadlift or a dumbbell deadlift. For the handstand push-ups, consider a pike push-up, a dumbbell push press, or a standard push-up.

In case of injury or limitation, complete 2,500 meters on the Echo bike or 1,000 meters on a ski erg. For the deadlifts, consider a sumo deadlift with a kettlebell, an unloaded good morning, or a GHD hip extension. For the handstand push-ups, consider a dumbbell shoulder press with one or both arms or a push-up.

Intermediate option:
For time:
1,000-meter row
50 deadlifts
20 handstand push-ups

65 lb
95 lb

Beginner option:
For time:
500-meter row
40 deadlifts
20 dumbbell shoulder presses

35-lb barbell and 15-lb dumbbells
45-lb barbell and 20-lb dumbbells

Coaching cues:
To maintain balance and proximity to the wall during kipping handstand push-ups, check your timing. Pull your knees down more slowly, brace your stomach, and then kick your heels toward the wall immediately followed by pressing with your arms to finish the lockout.

Rowing Technique Tips
The Deadlift
The Kipping Handstand Push-Up
The Dumbbell Press

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Monday 250113

For time:
1,600-meter run
Rest 3 minutes
800-meter run
Rest 2 minutes
400-meter run
Rest 1 minute
200-meter run

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Compare to similar 191107.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Try to hit each of today’s running intervals as quickly as your capacity will allow. Today is a day when most athletes can tackle the effort as prescribed. If you are alone, have a goal in mind for each interval. If you are training with a buddy or a group, keep up with someone who will challenge your pace.

To reduce the volume of this effort, cut the distances in half.

Today is a day when most athletes can perform this as prescribed. However, if you are new or less experienced, complete the beginner option.

In case of injury or limitation, for the 1,600-meter run, perform 3,500/5,000 meters on the Echo bike or 1,600/2,000 meters on the rower. For the 800-meter run, perform 1,750/2,500 meters on the Echo bike or 800/1,000 meters on the rower. For the 400-meter run, perform 900/1,250 meters on the Echo bike or 400/500 meters on the rower. For the 200-meter run, 500/700 meters on the Echo bike, or 200/250 meters on the rower.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
For time:
800-meter run
Rest 3 minutes
400-meter run
Rest 2 minutes
200-meter run
Rest 1 minute
100-meter run

Coaching cues:
Check your running posture. Relax your shoulders, keep your torso upright, and set your gaze directly ahead of you. Maintaining a neutral spine and sound running posture will allow for more efficient running technique, reduced fatigue, and improved recovery.

Running Workshop: Warm Up With Proper Technique
CrossFit Running Course

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Friday 250110


8 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
15 burpee box jump-overs
10-calorie bike
6 alternating dumbbell snatches

♀ 20-inch box and 50-lb dumbbell
♂ 24-inch box and 75-lb dumbbell

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Staff Sgt.Taylor Hoover, 31, of the United States Marine Corps., died Aug. 26, 2021, by a suicide bomber who detonated explosives at Abbey Gate in Kabul, Afghanistan. Hoover joined the Marines in September 2010 and was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Pendleton. He was deployed five times in his career and presented with many awards and honors. Hoover is survived by his mother, Kelly Barnett; father, Darin Hoover; sisters Tori Manning and Allison Summers, and their families; and his grandparents, nieces and nephews.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today, we’re doing a Hero workout. Hero workouts are meant to be longer, challenging efforts. This workout is no exception. Expect this to take at least 30 minutes. Choose options that allow you to keep moving at a steady pace. Aim to spend no more than 5 minutes completing a single round.

To adjust the volume, consider reducing the total number of rounds. Reduce the loading of the dumbbell, the height of the box, and the distance of the run.

To reduce the complexity of the burpee box jump-over, consider a burpee box step-over or an up-down step-over. For the dumbbell snatch, consider a hang dumbbell snatch with a lighter load.

In case of injury or limitation, complete 900/1,250 meters on an Echo bike or 400/500 meters on the rower. For the burpee box jump-overs, consider an up-down with a lower step-up. For the bike, use any machine available to accumulate the calories. If there is an overhead limitation, consider performing a kettlebell swing to eye level or a single-arm dumbbell clean.

Intermediate option:
6 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
15 burpee box jump-overs
10-calorie bike
6 alternating dumbbell snatches

♀ 20-inch box and 35-lb dumbbell
♂ 24-inch box and 50-lb dumbbell

Beginner option:
4 rounds for time of:
200-meter run
10 burpee box step-overs
7-calorie bike
6 alternating dumbbell snatches

12-inch box and 10-lb dumbbell
20-inch box and 15-lb dumbbell

Coaching cues:
On the dumbbell snatch, focus on keeping the snatching arm long through the middle of the pull next to your body as you accelerate. As you extend the hips, pull the elbow high and outside. Then turn your hand and punch the dumbbell overhead as you pull your body underneath the object.

From the Archives: Running Technique
Burpee Box Jump-Over
The Rogue Echo Bike
The Dumbbell Power Snatch
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts

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Monday 250106

For time:

Accumulate 6 minutes of a pull-up bar dead-hang hold

Each time you drop from the bar, complete 100 double-unders and 30 V-ups.

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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a test of your mental fortitude and your ability to drown out the negative thoughts in your mind. The goal is to finish in 20 minutes or less. To help you complete this, you should be able to maintain at least 1-minute hangs from the pull-up bar throughout the entire workout. Choose options that allow you to complete double-unders in 1:30 or less and V-ups in 1:30 or less.

To reduce the total volume of this workout, reduce the amount of time you have to accumulate on the pull-up bar. Newer and less experienced athletes should consider accumulating 3-5 minutes total, especially if they are only able to hang for 20-30 seconds at a time. Reduce the number of double-unders and V-ups to stay within the intended time domains for each movement.

To reduce the complexity of the hang, use a bar that allows you to put one or two feet on the ground for assistance. As for the double-unders, consider trying to accumulate as many reps as possible in 1:30 or performing 100 single-unders. For the V-ups, instead of keeping the legs straight, bend the knees toward the chest and try to touch your heels or perform sit-ups.

In case of injury or limitation, perform a plank hold if you are unable to hang from the pull-up bar. For the jump rope, consider riding a bike for 15-20 calories.

Intermediate option:
For time:
Accumulate 4 minutes of a pull-up bar dead-hang hold

Each time you drop from the bar, complete 60 double-unders and 20 V-ups.

Beginner option:
For time:
Accumulate 3 minutes of a foot-assisted pull-up bar hang hold

Each time you drop from the bar, complete 30 single-unders and 10 tuck-ups.

Coaching cues:
Resist gravity as you are hanging from the pull-up bar. This means not letting your shoulders come up to your ears. Instead, use your lats to pull your shoulders away from your ears.

The Double-Under
The V-Up

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Friday 250103

For time:
1,600-meter run
300-foot handstand walk
24 power snatches

♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lb

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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a longer-duration chipper. All athletes should aim to complete this effort in 20 minutes or less. The loading of the barbell is meant to be moderately heavy. This means for most, singles will be the most effective way to get through the reps. This load should also allow you to complete at least 4 reps per minute. For the handstand walk, choose an option that allows you to keep moving and advancing. Work hard and have fun with this one.

Reduce the distance of the run and handstand walk. Reduce the load of the barbell. If you are new to handstand walking, scale the distance or spend no more than 5 minutes working to accumulate as much distance as possible.

To reduce the complexity of the handstand walk, perform shoulder taps in the pike position or perform a bear crawl. For the power snatches, perform these from the hang position or use a dumbbell.

In case of injury or limitation, perform a 3,500/5,000-meter Echo bike or 1,600/2,000-meter row in place of the run. For the handstand walk, work to accumulate a 2-minute plank hold. For the power snatches, perform a single-arm dumbbell snatch or a clean if there is an overhead limitation.

Intermediate option:
For time:
1,600-meter run
150-foot handstand walk
24 power snatches

95 lb
135 lb

Beginner option:
For time:
800-meter run
150-foot bear crawl
24 power snatches

35 lb
45 lb

Coaching cues:
As you walk on your hands, think about pressing your hands down into the floor with each "step.” Actively pushing down, as if trying to squish the ground underneath your palms, helps keep your arms straight and shoulders stable to keep you on your hands for longer distances.

Running Drills With Brian MacKenzie: Part 1
The Handstand Walk
The Power Snatch
The Bear Crawl

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Monday 241230

For time:
2,000-meter row

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Compare to 190720 and similar 240213.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a benchmark. If you have completed this benchmark previously, look back to your last attempt and use the information to help you attack the row. Push for a PR today. If this is your first time, ease into your first 500 meters and try to increase your pace the further you get into the effort. Most athletes can perform this effort as prescribed and record a benchmark time in the CrossFit Games app.

Reduce the total distance of the effort.

In case of injury or limitation, perform a 1,600-meter run or 3,500/5,000-meter Echo bike.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
On an 8-minute clock:
Row meters for distance

Coaching cues:
In your first 500 meters, hold 1-3 seconds faster than your target pace overall. In the middle 1,000 meters, pull back to your target pace. In the final 500 meters, find out what’s left in the tank.

Rowing Technique Tips
Fixing Common Rowing Errors

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Tuesday 241224

Strict Nicole

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 meters
Max-reps strict pull-ups

Post the number of pull-ups completed for each round to comments.

Compare to 231007.

Stimulus and Strategy:
This variation of the classic workout Nicole calls for strict pull-ups. Use the run as recovery for the next set of pull-ups. Athletes should aim to complete around 6 sets within the 20-minute workout.

To limit the total amount of volume, you can “cap” your pull-ups in each round. For example, perform only 3-5 strict pull-ups per round instead of pushing to failure.

If you have strict pull-ups but are unable to perform at least 5 reps, begin each set with a max set of strict pull-ups, and then stay on the bar for a max set of kipping pull-ups. If you do not yet have strict pull-ups, perform a moderately challenging version of banded strict pull-ups or ring rows.

In case of injury or limitation, perform 800/1,000 meters on a bike or 400/500 meters on a rower. For the strict pull-ups, you can perform a single-arm dumbbell bent-over row.

Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 meters
Max-reps strict pull-ups + kipping pull-ups

*If you have strict pull-ups, but are unable to perform at least 5 reps, begin each set with a max set of strict pull-ups, and then stay on the bar for a max set of kipping pull-ups.

Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 meters
Max-reps banded strict pull-ups

Coaching cues:
Strict doesn’t mean slow. Pull your chin over the bar quickly by driving your elbows to the ground and keeping a tight body position.

Running Workshop: Falling = Living
The Strict Pull-Up
The Kipping Pull-Up
Pull-Up - Strict Banded

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Saturday 241221

Complete as many reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
800-meter run
20 toes-to-bars
20/30 Echo bike calories

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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a longer-duration effort. All athletes should aim to complete at least 3 rounds, however, some advanced athletes may be able to knock at the door of 5-6 rounds. Choose an option for toes-to-bar that allows you to maintain consistent sets of 5 or more reps.

Reduce the overall duration of the workout to 15-20 minutes.

Reduce the distance of the run to something you can complete in 5 minutes or less, the number of toes-to-bars to something you can complete in 4 sets or less, and the number of calories to something you can complete in 2 minutes or less.

Reduce the range of motion of the toes-to-bars by performing knees-to-chests, hanging knee raises, or V-ups.

In case of injury or limitation, perform 800/1,000 meters on the rower in place of the run. Perform sit-ups or a 1-minute plank hold in place of toes-to-bar. Perform a 400-meter run or 400/500-meter row in place of the calories on the bike.

Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
800-meter run
20 knees-to-chests
15/20 Echo bike calories

Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
400-meter run
10 hanging knee raises
10/15 Echo bike calories

Coaching cues:
On longer-duration monostructural efforts, focus on maintaining better posture. Think about keeping your chest facing forward as opposed to facing the ground.

Running Fundamentals
The Kipping Toes-to-Bar
Rogue Echo Bike
Kipping Hanging Knee Raise

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Friday 241220

3 rounds for time of:
21 front squats
15 box jumps
9 strict handstand push-ups

♀ 105-lb barbell and 20-inch box
♂ 155-lb barbell and 24-inch box

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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a short-to-moderate duration effort and is going to take some mental fortitude to push through the front squats. The goal is to choose a weight you can hang on to for all 21 reps. This shouldn’t be easy, but it also shouldn’t be extremely hard. It should be a grind. After the front squats, be careful on your first box jump. Plan to jump a little higher than you think you need to. For the handstand push-ups, choose an option that allows you to complete your reps in 1 minute or less.

Reduce the loading of the barbell and the height of the box.

Maintain the stimulus of the jump unless you have an injury or limitation, in which case you can switch to a step-up. For the handstand push-ups, consider performing dumbbell shoulder presses, or pike push-ups.

In case of injury or limitation, perform your squats to a target or perform air squats. For the box jumps, reduce the height and perform step-ups or 30 seconds on the bike. For the handstand push-ups, consider a single dumbbell shoulder press or push-ups from the knees.

Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
21 front squats
15 box jumps
9 dumbbell shoulder presses

75-lb barbell, 35-lb dumbbells, and 20-inch box
115-lb barbell, 50-lb dumbbells, and 24-inch box

Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
15 front squats
12 box step-ups
5 dumbbell shoulder presses

35-lb barbell, 15-lb dumbbells, and 12-inch box
45-lb barbell, 20-lb dumbbells, and 20-inch box

Coaching cues:
When you are front squatting, find a spot on the wall above your natural gaze. This spot is where you want to drive your elbows throughout each of your reps.

The Front Squat
The Box Jump
The Strict Handstand Push-Up
The Box Step-Up
The Dumbbell (Shoulder) Press
Handstand Push-Up Variations

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Monday 241209

30-20-10 reps for time of:
Echo bike calories

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Today’s workout is a sprint. No holding back. It’s a day to push the pace on the bike and larger sets on the pull-ups. That said, know your limits. If you feel like you need to break on the pull-up bar then do so. Adjust the number of calories, the number of pull-ups, and difficulty of the pull-up to keep your overall time to 10 minutes or less.

Intermediate option:
20-15-10 reps for time of:
Echo bike calories

Beginner option:.
15-10-5 reps for time of:
Echo bike calories
Ring rows

Coaching cues:
For those performing kipping pull-ups, focus on keeping your feet slightly in front of your body as you push away from the pull-up bar to maintain balance.

Rogue Echo Bike
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Butterfly Pull-Up
The Ring Row

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Monday 241104

For time:
20-calorie Echo bike
20 clean and jerks
20-calorie Echo bike

♀ 105 lb
♂ 165 lb

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Compare to 221016.

Today’s workout is a sprint effort. No pacing. Most know what they are capable of if they “game” the bike. However, it becomes a different story and maybe a little more scary when you dance with the unknown. The loading of the barbell should be moderate and allow you to complete the weightlifting portion of this workout with quick sets and minimal rest. Adjust load to spend no more than 4 minutes on the 20 clean and jerks, allowing for a rep at least every 12 seconds.

Intermediate option:
For time:
20-calorie Echo bike
20 clean and jerks
20-calorie Echo bike

95 lb
135 lb

Beginner option:
For time:
20-calorie Echo bike
20 clean and jerks
20-calorie Echo bike

35 lb
45 lb

Coaching cues:
Think of the clean and jerk as two jumps. The first jump gets the barbell to the shoulders and the second jump gets the barbell from the shoulders to the overhead position.

Rogue Echo Bike
The Clean and Jerk
The Power Clean and Push Jerk
The Power Clean and Split Jerk

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Monday 241021

For total reps:
Tabata pull-ups
Tabata box jump-overs
Tabata push-ups
Tabata calories on the Echo bike

♀ 20-inch box
♂ 24-inch box

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Today’s workout is a Tabata workout. The most common one is Tabata Something Else. You will perform all 8 sets of an exercise before moving on to the next. A single set is 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. The goal is to accumulate as many reps as possible within the 20 seconds and across all 8 sets. At the end of your workout, your score will be the total number of reps you completed across all four exercises. When it comes time for the box jump-overs, the safest option is to step down. However, the choice is yours. If you do not have access to an Echo bike, use any bike or machine available.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
For total reps:
Tabata ring rows
Tabata box step-up overs
Tabata push-ups from the knees
Tabata calories on the Echo bike

♀ 12-inch box
♂ 20-inch box

Coaching cues:
If you are kipping the pull-ups, keep your kip tight and rigid for as long as possible. Jump up on the pull-up bar, put your lats in your back pocket, squeeze your legs together, and keep your belly tight. A stable connected structure will last longer.

The Pull-Up
CAP Demo | The Box Jump-Over Variations
The Push-Up
The Rogue Echo Bike
Tabata With Erik Preston

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Monday 240923

In 2 minutes, complete:
1 round of DT:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 shoulder-to-overheads
Max Echo-bike calories in remaining time

Rest 1 minute between rounds. Complete a total of 5 rounds.

♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lb

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Today’s workout is a twist on the Hero workout DT. The goal is to get through your round of DT in 1:10 or less. Once you get to the bike, go hard knowing you have a minute of rest. Your score is total bike calories over all 5 rounds. Choose a barbell weight you can do all 6 shoulder-to-overheads unbroken in all rounds. If you choose to break up the deadlifts and cleans, we recommend 6-5-1 for the deadlifts so you can go right into the hang power cleans after the last single. For the hang power cleans, we would recommend 7 and 2 so you can go right into the shoulder-to-overheads after the final hang clean rep.

Intermediate option:
In 2 minutes, complete:
1 round of DT:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 shoulder-to-overheads
Max Echo-bike calories in remaining time

Rest 1 minute between rounds. Complete a total of 5 rounds.

95 lb
135 lb

Beginner option:
In 2 minutes, complete:
1 round of DT:
9 deadlifts
7 hang power cleans
5 shoulder-to-overheads
Max Echo-bike calories in remaining time

Rest 1 minute between rounds. Complete a total of 5 rounds.

♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb

Coaching cues:
If you lose the hook grip in the hang power cleans, try elevating the barbell off your shoulders before you return to the hang position. Treat this little elevation almost like a push press. Once the barbell is off your shoulders, reestablish the hook grip and move into the next rep.

The Deadlift
The Hang Power Clean
The Push Press
The Push Jerk
Annie Sakamoto vs. the Echo Bike

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