workout of the day

Friday 030801


Clean & Jerk 15-12-9 reps.

Go for PR on this today! The rules are that you don’t put the bar down throughout the set. You can rest overhead, at rack, or hang – touch and go at the floor only. Rest as needed between sets. Use same weight for all three sets. Post load and bodyweight to comments.

“We have come to believe that the specificity of cardiorespiratory training adaptations to exercise modality is a function of an exercise’s lack of functionality. This suggests three things. One, a more functional training modality will offer a greater cardiorespiratory benefit than a less functional modality. Two, a regimen of functional movements, developed across all three metabolic pathways develops cardiorespiratory fitness with greater application to a larger number of activities, which implies the third, there are varying qualities of cardiovascular fitness.

The clear implication in light of our view of athletic training and more conventional practices is that the most efficacious tools available for metabolic conditioning are not generally employed. Until training regimens incorporate traditional resistance protocols (weightlifting and gymnastic/calisthenic) to replace or supplement traditional “cardio” modalities (bike, run, swim, etc.) athletic conditioning remains inferior.”

  • CrossFit Journal, August 2003
Workout Image for 20030801

47-year-old man does front lever and back lever!

The back lever, an “A” move (A-E where “A” is easiest and “E” hardest), (face down) will come easy. The front lever, a “B” move, is another story altogether. Practice the front lever by pulling straight arm straight body to an inverted hang and then lowering very slowly, again straight arm and straight body, back to the hang.