workout of the day

Thursday 030501


Perform 3 rounds:
Jump rope 2 minutes, max “double-unders
Pull-ups 25 reps for time

“Day on, day off diet boosts health”, from New Scientist.

Your CrossFit staff played with this diet last year (thought we invented it!) and found it doable – almost fun. Eat anything-eat nothing, repeat.

The new site launch is the perfect occasion to thank all of you for your support and encouragement! The entire project has been an incredible journey of the “build it and they will come” variety.

We dedicate the new site to Coach Derek Ray, Brian Mulvaney, Otto Lejeune, Ben Elizer, Ted Socha, Robb Wolf, Dan John, Dave Werner, Nick Nibler, Athena, Jason Highbarger, Greg Amundson, Loyd Lewis, Dave Leys, Lani Lau, Eva Twardokens, Dave Young, Jim and Debie Baker, Tim Silva, Garth Taylor, Claudio Franca, BJ Penn, Cameron Earle, Nick Massman, and Philippe and Sonia Kahn

  • Greg and Lauren Glassman
Workout Image for 20030501