workout of the day

Friday 020208


In any order and within thirty minutes:
Row a 1K, max effort.
Kettlebell Swing max reps (without stopping).
Pull-ups, max reps.

1. As an indication of the intensity we are looking for and as a challenge,
who out there can perform 50 kettlebell swings with 2 "pood" kettlebell,
row a 3:10 1K, and perform the 30 pull-ups in one set?
If you can you are among the worlds fittest athletes.
2. Submit row time, k'bell reps, and pull-up count for ranking.
Entire workout must finish within thirty minutes. First place wins CrossFit T-shirt.

"If you ask a fifty-goal scorer what the goalie looks like, he'll say the goalie's just a blur.
But if you ask a five-goal scorer, he'll say the goalie looks like a huge glob of pads.
A five-goal scorer can tell you the brand name of the pad of every goalie in the league.
I'm seeing the net, he's seeing the pad."
- Wayne Gretzky

"Eating", an essay by Tom Moody.