workout of the day

Monday 020121


24 inch Box jump, 25 reps
25 Pull-ups
22 inch Box jump, 25 reps
20 Pull-ups
20 inch Box jump, 25 reps
15 Pull-ups

Repeat each of the three couplets.

1. Complete the pull-ups in as few sets as possible.
2. Compare the time for the first three couplets to the second three

"People who enjoy what they are doing invariably do it well."
- Joe Gibbs

The venerable Dr. Hatfield here describes his training regimen for
Evander Holyfield. The great advantage that Dr. Hatfield brought to
Evander's game is the realization that boxing is anaerobic not aerobic
sport. The periodizaton scheme was of minor import.
Sadly, what Dr. Hatfield artculates in the first three paragraphs of this
article is critical yet not understood by nearly all in the mixed martial
arts community.