workout of the day

Tuesday 010807


Three rounds for time of:
3 Muscle-ups
50 sit-ups

1. Perform any sit-up you want.
2. If you're new to the site and don't know what a muscle-up is,
you can find it in today's link.
3. If you still can't perform the muscle up. Give us twenty-five pull-ups
and twenty-five dips per round.
4. Typically, you'll have the strength for a muscle-up when you can do
twenty pull-ups and dips without a pause.

"The notion that triathletes are exemplars of fitness is firmly rooted in the common lore.
It's hard to find a group of athletes less deserving of this perception and harder yet to
dislodge this belief once it has taken root, yet we can plant a seed of doubt in any
triathlete in ten minutes of serious athletic training."
- Greg Glassman

We've linked to this information on gymnastics conditioning from another source earlier
in the year. You can't have enough exposure to these concepts. Study, practice, learn
these drills: one at a time.