workout of the day

Tuesday 010227


We are due for a little circuit work. Circuit training is an excellent test
of your overall fitness. At CrossFit intensities it becomes debilitating.
We use it sparingly and go all out! This is "combat" or "getting out of
the burning building" fitness.

Decide loads and assistance (if absolutely necessary to get ALL reps)
before starting. Be smart, shelve your ego and shoot for rapid completion
with NO rest. Submit record of total time, weights for each lift, and
assistance (if needed on pull-ups and dips). Set up recording sheet
ahead of time. Rip!!

Bike for 3 miles
Twenty ball-squats (20 lb. Med ball)
Twenty push-ups
Twenty pull-ups

Row 500 meters
Box step up (20") with dumbbells, 25 right , 25 left
Bench-press 15 reps
Rope climb

Jump rope 200 jumps
Lunge 20 steps alternating right-left
Push-press 15 reps
Upright row 15 reps

Run 800 meters (app. ½ mile)
Deadlift 15 reps
Twenty dips
Twenty power-cleans

Box Jump (20") 50 jumps
Dumbbell "Thruster" (Deep front squat/push-press) 20 reps
Twenty push-ups
Twenty pull-ups

"Superficial goals lead to superficial results."
Attila the Hun

Rarely does CrossFit endorse a product, though we do endorse and use the
AbMat in our program. Today we link to the AbMat site because the science
presented here is damned good. Scour this site thoroughly and when you are
done you'll know more about your abs than any trainer hanging out at the local gym.