workout of the day

Thursday 010222


You deserve a break today!! IT'S AEROBIC DAY!

Today's workout is a long (1/2 hour +), slow (low intensity),
recreational (keep it fun) effort. Bike, Run, Swim, or Row.
This is an active rest for any accomplished athlete. If you'd itch for
some additional work, do some ab work. Otherwise, take it easy.

"Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does no harm to the body; but knowledge
which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind. "
Plato, The Republic

Here's a site for mid-distance running.
Mid-distance running is anaerobic work. Anaerobic work comprises the bulk
of athletic training and yet it is tragically neglected by gyms, trainers, popular
magazines, and the general public. This ignorance can be demonstrated
quantitatively, to wit: We did a search for "anaerobic training" on Alta Vista
and came up with 17 hits for the term, when we repeated this for "aerobic
training" I found 14,598 hits.

Interestingly, the popular (gyms, magazines, internet, etc.) ignorance of
anaerobic training is not shared by professional sports, or NCAA Div 1
University Programs and of course CrossFit.