5 rounds for time of:
Row 350/500 meters in as few pulls as possible
After each row, perform 2 double-unders for each pull taken. For example, if it takes 40 pulls to complete the row, complete 80 double-unders before starting the next round.
Post time and number of pulls each round to comments.
Compare to 210928.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout will require thought and strategy. To maximize the distance in each pull, the effort encourages hard pulls on the rower. Increase the damper setting and slow your cadence to minimize the number of pulls each round. If needed, reduce the total distance to something you can complete in 60 total pulls or less in each set.
Reduce the distance on the rower.
To adjust the complexity of the double-under, consider performing single-unders or jumping jacks. If you have double-unders, but they are inconsistent, consider performing attempts and counting both singles and doubles toward your reps.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider performing jumping jacks, penguin taps, or alternating toe taps on a low box in place of the double-unders.
Intermediate option:
5 rounds for time of:
Row 350/500 meters in as few pulls as possible.
After each row, perform 1 double-under for each pull taken. For example, if it takes 40 pulls to complete the row, complete 40 double-unders before starting the next round.
Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
Row 350/500 meters in as few pulls as possible.
After each row, perform 1 single-under for each pull taken. For example, if it takes 40 pulls to complete the row, complete 40 single-unders before starting the next round.
Coaching cues:
To reduce your stroke rate, focus on your return. Release your hands away from your body, lean forward slightly, and count to three as you pull yourself back into the catch position.
Rowing Technique Tips
The Double-Under
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Power Amanda
9-7-5 reps for time of:
Power snatches
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
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Compare to similar 220407.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Amanda is a classic benchmark workout. Typically, this workout is performed with a squat snatch, however, today we are going to perform a power snatch. Most athletes should aim to complete the workout in 12 minutes or less. Some more advanced athletes could finish in 5 minutes or less.
Reduce the volume of the muscle-ups. Athletes who have muscle-ups, but not the overall volume, should consider reducing the repetitions to 7-5-3 or 4-3-2.
To adjust the complexity of the muscle-ups, perform a jumping muscle-up, low-ring transition, or ring rows and push-ups. For the power snatch, perform a hang power snatch, a hang muscle snatch, or a dumbbell snatch.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider performing low-ring transitions, or ring rows and push-ups. For the power snatch, consider a hang power clean or single-arm dumbbell snatch.
Intermediate option:
For time:
Power snatches
♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lb
Beginner option:
9-7-5 reps for time of:
Ring rows
Power snatches
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
The third pull in the snatch is you pulling yourself underneath the object, not the object up to you. After you extend your hips, pull yourself under the barbell.
The Kipping Muscle-Up
The Power Snatch
The Ring Row
The Push-Up
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Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
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Compare to 230128.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today is a heavy day. Keep in mind, heavy is relative to each athlete's capacity and experience. As long as you are working to your limits, you will benefit from today’s effort. Experienced athletes should build to a heavy set of 5 and plan to go as heavy as possible across all sets. Newer athletes should start light, focus on mechanics, and slowly add weight as they are comfortable.
Reduce the loading of the barbell to maintain safety and the integrity of the lift.
To adjust the complexity of the lift, consider performing a goblet squat with a dumbbell or kettlebell.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider squatting with a single dumbbell or kettlebell. You can also lunge with a load or perform an unloaded air squat.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.
Coaching cues:
Throughout the squat, imagine your feet are screws and you are trying to screw them into the ground. In doing so, you will create better contact with the ground and keep your knees tracking over your toes.
The Back Squat
The Squat: Points of Performance
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For time:
30 handstand push-ups
30 deadlifts
30 ring dips
30 power cleans
30 pull-ups
30 thrusters
♀ 155-lb deadlifts, 95-lb cleans, 65-lb thrusters
♂ 225-lb deadlifts, 135-lb cleans, 95-lb thrusters
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a chipper and may look familiar. This mash-up fuses together three classic CrossFit benchmarks: Diane, Elizabeth, and Fran, but with fewer reps than the traditional 45 of each movement. That said, this should challenge you to keep moving and maintain larger chunks of reps. All athletes should use options that allow them to finish in 15 minutes or less. Advanced athletes may be able to go sub-10.
Reduce the loading of each barbell to something that feels moderate-to-light for each movement and that you can complete in sets of at least 10 while fresh.
To reduce the complexity of the handstand push-up, perform a pike push-up or dumbbell shoulder press. For the ring dips, lower the rings to a position that allows your feet to touch the ground. Then use them to help you move through the range of motion. For the pull-ups, perform a jumping pull-up or ring row. For the barbell movements, reduce the loading to something that allows you to focus on the technique and move safely.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider using a single dumbbell for most of the movements. Perform a single-arm shoulder press for the handstand push-ups, a dumbbell sumo deadlift for the deadlift or an unweighted good morning, a push-up or dumbbell floor press for the ring dips, a single-arm dumbbell power clean for the power cleans, a single-arm ring row for the pull-ups, and a single-arm dumbbell thruster, dumbbell front squat, or dumbbell push press for the thruster.
Intermediate option:
For time:
30 handstand push-ups
30 deadlifts
30 ring dips
30 power cleans
30 pull-ups
30 thrusters
♀ 125-lb deadlifts, 65-lb cleans, 55-lb thrusters
♂ 185-lb deadlifts, 95-lb cleans, 75-lb thrusters
Beginner option:
For time:
20 dumbbell shoulder presses
20 deadlifts
20 foot-assisted ring dips
20 power cleans
20 ring rows
20 thrusters
♀ 10-lb dumbbells, 55-lb deadlifts, 35-lb cleans, 35-lb thrusters
♂ 15-lb dumbbells, 75-lb deadlifts, 45-lb cleans, 45-lb thrusters
Coaching cues:
For the power cleans in today’s workout, it may be tempting to perform muscle cleans or use more upper body. Be cautious as the next movement is pull-ups. Instead, focus on using your legs and pulling into a partial squat.
The Kipping Handstand Push-Up
The Deadlift
The Ring Dip
The Power Clean
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Thruster
Ring Dip Scaling
The Ring Row
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On a 12-minute clock, complete:
75 wall-ball shots
800-meter run
Max burpee box jump-overs
♀ 14-lb ball to a 9-foot target and 24-inch box
♂ 20-lb ball to a 10-foot target and 30-inch box
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a challenge. The goal is to finish the wall-ball shots and run as quickly as possible, and then complete as many burpee box jump-overs as possible in the remaining time. Both the wall-ball shots and the run should take no more than 5 minutes each to complete. This will leave you with at least 2 minutes to complete burpee box jump-overs. Push the pace from the beginning and hold on for the ride.
Reduce the loading of the wall-ball shots to maintain at least 15 reps per minute. If needed, reduce the reps as well as the load. Reduce the distance of the run to hit the intended time domain.
To reduce the complexity of the wall-ball shot, consider reducing the height of the target or simply performing a thruster with the medicine ball. For the burpee box jump-overs, reduce the height of the box or perform box step-overs.
In case of an injury or limitation, perform a medicine-ball front squat or push press. For the 800-meter run, consider biking 1,750/2,500 meters on an Echo bike or rowing 800/1,000 meters. On the burpee box jump-overs, perform up-downs in place of the burpee and step-ups to a low target for box jumps.
Intermediate option:
On a 12-minute clock, complete:
75 wall-ball shots
800-meter run
Max burpee box jump-overs
♀ 10-lb ball to a 9-foot target and 20-inch box
♂ 14-lb ball to a 10-foot target and 24-inch box
Beginner option:
On a 12-minute clock, complete:
50 wall-ball shots
400-meter run
Max burpee box step-overs
♀ 6-lb ball to a 9-foot target and 12-inch box
♂ 10-lb ball to a 10-foot target and 20-inch box
Coaching cues:
To increase your pace on the burpee box jump-overs, begin rotating on top of the box and step down facing the box before going into your next rep.
The Wall-Ball Shot
Running: Falling Forward Drill
Burpee Box Jump-Over
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10 rounds for time of:
7/10-calorie Echo bike
1 legless rope climb to 15 feet
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a back-and-forth “sprint.” While the workout, in its entirety, should be completed in 15 minutes or less, each round should be a sprint. Choose options that allow you to keep each round to 90 seconds or less.
Reduce the calories on the bike and the height of the rope climb.
To reduce the complexity of the legless rope climb, perform the movement with assistance from your legs or reduce the height of the climb.
In case of an injury or limitation, perform pull-to-stands in place of the rope climb. For the calories on the bike, consider a 150-meter row or a 150-meter run.
Intermediate option:
7 rounds for time of:
7/10-calorie Echo bike
1 legless rope climb to 12 feet
Beginner option:
5 rounds for time of:
6/8-calorie Echo bike
2 pull-to-stands
Coaching cues:
Use your legs to generate momentum on the legless rope climbs. Work on timing your right leg with your right arm and vice versa. As one leg thrusts upward, that arm should then reach for the next grab on the rope.
Rogue Echo Bike
The Legless Rope Climb
Modified Rope Climb: Pull-to-Stand
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Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
30-second handstand hold
30-second squat hold
30-second L-sit hold
30-second chin-over-bar hold
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Compare to 220610.
Stimulus and Strategy
Today’s workout is a unique effort. It’s hard to measure or quantify the work being accomplished when we perform a static hold, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t challenging or productive. As you will see, static holds challenge the stamina of our muscles and our drive to mentally overcome negative thoughts. Most athletes can maintain the structure of this workout. Choose static hold modifications that allow you to hold for 20-30 seconds at a time. Rest as needed between movements and sets.
To reduce the complexity of the handstand hold, consider holding a pike position with your feet on a box or the floor. For the L-sit hold, bending your knees will make the movement easier. For the chin-over-bar hold, consider using a band or putting your feet on a box.
In case of injury or limitation, hold a single dumbbell overhead in place of the handstand hold. For the L-sit hold, perform a seated leg lift with one or both legs. For the chin-over-bar hold, use a pair of rings like you would to perform ring rows; pull the rings to your chest and hold at your chest.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
30-second pike hold with feet on a box
30-second squat hold
30-second L-sit hold with knees bent
30-second chin-over-bar hold
Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
30-second plank hold
30-second squat hold
30-second hollow body hold
30-second dead hang hold
Coaching cues:
In the squat hold, challenge yourself to hold an active position. This means finding a bottom position where your back is neutral, knees are in line with your toes, weight is balanced in your feet, and your hip crease is below your knees.
The Handstand Hold
The L-Sit
Plank Variations
The L-Sit at Home
Gymnastics Course | Hollow Body Position
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7 sets for load of:
1 snatch-grip deadlift
1 snatch pull
1 snatch
1 overhead squat
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a heavy day with a snatch complex. The goal is to build across each set, working up as heavy as possible. Keep in mind that heavy is relative to each person's capacity and technique. Do not increase the loading if safety or technique are in jeopardy. As you complete each set, a regrip is allowed between the deadlift and snatch pull, and after the snatch pull. However, do not spend more than 10 seconds between movements. The snatch can be performed as a power or squat variation.
Reduce the loading of the barbell to maintain the integrity of each movement.
To reduce the complexity of the movement, reduce the load to an empty barbell or PVC pipe. For the snatch, perform a hang power snatch.
In case of an injury or limitation, perform this complex with a clean variation (clean-grip deadlift, clean pull, clean, and front squat). This complex can also be performed with a single dumbbell. For the overhead squat, consider an overhead lunge if overhead mobility is limited.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.
Coaching cues:
Use the hips and legs to drive the barbell up, then press under the bar to receive it as high as possible. As the load increases, expect to receive the bar in a lower squat.
The Snatch
The Power Snatch
What Is a Snatch?
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Rest Day
Featured Article
The Science of Squatting: Unlocking Strength, Safety, and Performance in CrossFit
The squat, a fundamental movement in CrossFit, is vital for athletic performance, health, and longevity. Its benefits range from preserving muscle mass and motor control to enhancing core stability and reducing injury risk. Proper technique, rooted in biomechanics, ensures efficient and safe execution by accounting for individual differences in body proportions, mobility, and anatomical structure. Tailored coaching, scaling, and continuous feedback enable athletes to refine their squats for optimal results, supporting the core CrossFit goal of maximizing work output while maintaining joint health and safety.
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For reps:
1 minute of double-unders
1 minute of alternating single-leg squats
1 minute of hang clean and jerks
2 minutes of double-unders
2 minutes of alternating single-leg squats
2 minutes of hang clean and jerks
3 minutes of double-unders
3 minutes of alternating single-leg squats
3 minutes of hang clean and jerks
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout takes three movements and gives you an increasing amount of time to accumulate reps. If you are proficient in each movement, keep moving for as much of the interval as possible. Limit yourself to small breaks and push your thresholds in each movement. Less-experienced athletes should not push to failure or exhaustion because you will end up spending more time recovering. Instead, perform a few reps, take small breaks, and then continue to chip away. Expect the longer intervals to require more strategy in comparison to the single minute of work. Going all out for 2 or 3 minutes may not set you up for success in the following movement.
Reduce the loading of the barbell.
To reduce the complexity of the double-under, perform single-unders, double-under attempts, or a mix of both. For the single-leg squats, consider squatting to a target or performing a reverse lunge. For the hang clean and jerks, use one or two dumbbells.
In case of injury or limitation, perform calories on any machine in place of the double-unders. For the single-leg squats, consider performing a lunge or an air squat. For the hang clean and jerks, consider a muscle clean and shoulder press with a barbell or dumbbells. If you have an overhead limitation, you can also forgo the jerk and just perform the clean.
Intermediate option:
For reps:
1 minute of double-unders
1 minute of alternating single-leg squats
1 minute of hang clean and jerks
2 minutes of double-unders
2 minutes of alternating single-leg squats
2 minutes of hang clean and jerks
3 minutes of double-unders
3 minutes of alternating single-leg squats
3 minutes of hang clean and jerks
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
Beginner option:
For reps:
1 minute of single-unders
1 minute of alternating reverse lunges
1 minute of hang clean and jerks
2 minutes of single-unders
2 minutes of alternating reverse lunges
2 minutes of hang clean and jerks
3 minutes of single-unders
3 minutes of alternating reverse lunges
3 minutes of hang clean and jerks
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
As you jump in the double-under, avoid letting your hands follow you upward. Instead, force your hands down as you jump up.
The Double-Under
The Single-Leg Squat
The Hang Clean
The Hang Power Clean
The Push Jerk
The Split Jerk
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15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Burpee pull-ups
Set the pull-up bar 6 inches above your reach.
♀ 185 lb
♂ 275 lb
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout focuses on moving a heavier barbell with an elevated heart rate. The goal is to complete this workout in 15 minutes or less. Choose a weight for the barbell that allows you to complete consistent sets of 5 unbroken reps. For the burpee pull-ups, the set of 15 should take no more than 90 seconds to complete.
Reduce the loading of the barbell or the reps of either movement.
To reduce the complexity of the deadlift, perform a sumo deadlift with a barbell or kettlebell. For the burpee pull-ups, perform an up-down instead of the burpee and lower the pull-up bar to allow you to use your legs more.
In case of injury or limitation, perform a light or unloaded good morning in place of the deadlift. For the burpee pull-ups, perform an up-down in place of the burpees and a ring row for the pull-ups.
Intermediate option:
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Burpee pull-ups
Set the pull-up bar at your fingertips when your arms are extended overhead.
♀ 135 lb
♂ 205 lb
Beginner option:
12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Burpee jumping pull-ups
Set the pull-up bar at the middle of your forearms when your arms are extended overhead.
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb
Coaching cues:
On the burpee pull-up, don’t waste time after completing the pull-up. Immediately get back to the ground and “rest” in the bottom of the burpee. Just don’t get caught lying on the ground for too long.
The Deadlift
Burpee Pull-Up
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5 rounds, each for time, of:
400-meter run
Rest 2 minutes
Post your fastest and slowest times to comments.
Compare to 231120.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is running intervals. If you have performed this workout in the past, look back at your scores and use them to help you today. Each interval should be treated as a near-maximal effort and should take no more than 2 minutes to complete.
Reduce the distance to achieve the intended time domain.
To reduce the complexity or in the case of a limitation, consider substituting with any machine available. Perform 900/1,250 meters on an Echo bike or 400/500 meters on a rower or ski erg.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
5 rounds, each for time, of:
200-meter run
Rest 2 minutes
Coaching cues:
Move your feet fast, but don't forget about your arms. At any point where you reach near-max speeds, keep your shoulders square and pump your arms with your elbows held at a 90-degree angle. Applying a conscious effort toward your upper-body movement this way can bolster speed by utilizing your entire body more efficiently, and not just your lower half.
CAP Tips: Running Position Drill
CAP Tips: Running Pulling in Place
CAP Tips: Running Falling Forward
CAP Tips: Running Change in Support Drill
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3 rounds for time of:
15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
30-calorie row
45 air squats
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a triplet with some slight movement interference with the pulling on the pull-ups and rower, then the leg drive on the rower and out of the bottom of the squat. All athletes should aim to complete this workout in 15 minutes or less, although we could see some advanced athletes complete this effort in around 9 minutes. Work hard and have fun!
If you have chest-to-bar pull-ups, but not the volume, reduce the reps to 8-10. On the rower, reduce the calories to a number that takes you no more than 2 minutes to accumulate.
To reduce the complexity of the chest-to-bar pull-ups, consider a chin-over-bar pull-up, a jumping pull-up, or a ring row.
In case of injury or limitation, perform the calories on any machine available. For the chest-to-bar pull-ups, consider a single-arm ring row or bent-over dumbbell row. For the air squats, consider squatting to an elevated target or performing lunges or box step-ups.
Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
15 pull-ups
20-calorie row
45 air squats
Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
10 jumping pull-ups
15-calorie row
20 air squats
Coaching cues:
When you are in the drive phase on the rower, focus on keeping your shoulders over your hips and your arms long. Just like the deadlift, your hips and shoulders should move together in this phase, not separately.
The Kipping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up
The Air Squat
The Kipping Pull-Up
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21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Alternating dumbbell snatches
Ring dips
L-sit hold on the rings (perform seconds instead of reps)
♀ 35-lb dumbbell
♂ 50-lb dumbbell
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a saucy little number. Push to complete this effort in 15 minutes or less. The loading of the dumbbell should allow you to complete all sets unbroken. For the ring dips, choose a scaling option that allows you to maintain consistent sets of 5 reps or more without excessive rest between sets. The L-sit hold option you choose should allow you to complete each effort in 2 sets or less.
Reduce the loading of the dumbbell to maintain unbroken reps. If you can perform the prescribed movements, but the volume is too much, consider reducing the reps and seconds to 14-12-10-8-6-4-2.
To reduce the complexity of the dumbbell snatch, perform the movement from the hang position. On the ring dips, lower the rings so your feet can touch the floor and add assistance where you need it throughout the range of motion. You can perform a jumping ring dip or a foot-assisted strict ring dip. For the L-sit holds, consider bending one or both legs. You can even come off the rings and perform your holds in a more stable position like on a pair of boxes or dumbbells. If you are unable to perform a variation of the L-sit hold, substitute seated leg raises.
In case of injury or limitation, perform a dumbbell clean or a single-arm kettlebell swing in place of the snatch. For the ring dips, consider a push-up or single-arm dumbbell floor press or bench press. For the L-sit hold, consider sit-ups or a plank hold.
Intermediate option:
14-12-10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of:
Alternating dumbbell snatches
Ring dips
L-sit hold on the rings with legs bent (perform seconds instead of reps)
♀ 20-lb dumbbell
♂ 35-lb dumbbell
Beginner option:
12-10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of:
Alternating dumbbell snatches
Foot-assisted ring dips
Seated leg raises
♀ 10-lb dumbbell
♂ 15-lb dumbbell
Coaching cues:
On the rings, lift your chest to help maintain your L-sit hold. If your chest and gaze drop, your hips will shift back slightly, making it more difficult to keep your legs parallel with the ground. Conversely, a tall posture keeps your hips forward, reducing the effort required to lift your legs.
The Dumbbell Snatch
The Ring Dip
The L-Sit | Parallettes
L-Sit Scaling
Rest Day
Featured Article
‘I’m Not Alone’: Scott Hanley Continues to Inspire Parkinson’s Community
Diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2018, Scott Hanley refused to accept a grim prognosis. In 2020, he began working out, discovering that fitness and strength training eased his symptoms. Joining CrossFit Belfast in 2021, Hanley embraced high-intensity workouts and skill-building, remarkably reducing his symptoms. Inspired by his transformation, others, like Ian Haldane, followed his lead, finding relief and improved quality of life through CrossFit. Backed by science linking intense exercise to neuroprotection and neuroplasticity, Hanley’s story highlights the power of fitness, community, and determination in living well with Parkinson’s while inspiring others to keep fighting.
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10 rounds for time of:
9 thrusters
35 double-unders
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
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Compare to 170807.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a retest of a previous Open workout from 2017. If you have completed this before, look back at your score. In most cases, the barbell loading should not be the limiting factor. Instead, it should be performing these two movements while managing a high heart rate. Most should aim to complete this workout in less than 20 minutes. That being said, today could be a day to try the prescribed version even if you have to break up each set of thrusters. This builds confidence and allows you to establish a time for this benchmark.
Reduce the loading of the barbell to maintain unbroken reps for most of your sets.
To reduce the complexity of the thruster, use a pair of dumbbells or perform a front squat followed by a push press. For the double-unders, perform as many as you can in 30 seconds or perform single-unders.
In case of injury or limitation, perform a single-arm dumbbell thruster, a front squat for an overhead limitation, or a push press for a squat limitation. For the jump rope, get on any machine and accumulate 6/8 calories per round.
Intermediate option:
10 rounds for time of:
9 thrusters
35 double-unders
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb
Beginner option:
5 rounds for time of:
9 thrusters
35 single-unders
♀ 35 lb ♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
To speed up the cycle time on the thruster, think about pulling the barbell down from the overhead position. As soon as it hits your shoulders, move to the squat.
The Thruster
The Double-Under
Open Workout 17.5
Register for the 2025 CrossFit Open
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Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 knees-to-elbows
15 goblet squats
♀ 35-lb kettlebell
♂ 53-lb kettlebell
Post total reps to comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout has a rep scheme like you would find in the benchmark Cindy. However, in this effort, you don’t have the upper-body pressing movement. Instead, we have a triplet that focuses on the midline and lower-body stamina. Choose options that allow you to perform a single round in 2 minutes or less.
Reduce the loading of the kettlebell to maintain unbroken goblet squats.
Reduce the complexity of the pull-up by performing jumping pull-ups or ring rows. As for the knees-to-elbows, perform knees-to-chest, hanging knee raises, or V-ups. First look to reduce the load of the kettlebell, but if necessary, perform an air squat.
In case of injury or limitation, perform ring rows or a single-arm ring row. For the knees-to-elbows, perform a V-up, sit-up, or plank hold. For the goblet squats, consider an air squat or lunge.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 knees-to-chests
15 goblet squats
♀ 26-lb kettlebell
♂ 35-lb kettlebell
Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 ring rows
10 hanging knee raises
15 air squats
Coaching cues:
In the knees-to-elbows, focus on leaning back in your kip swing as you press down against the pull-up bar. This leanback will make it easier to get your knees to your elbows.
The Kipping Pull-Up
Kettlebell Goblet Squat
Kipping Hanging Knee Raises
Efficiency Tips: Knees-to-Elbows With Chris Spealler
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For time:
30 ring muscle-ups
Compare to 230109.
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a classic benchmark. If you have completed this workout before, check your last time and use that information to help you attack today’s effort. In most cases, this workout should take 10 minutes or less. However, if you have been practicing and accumulating pulling and pressing volume, today can be a good day to work until you complete the reps — don’t worry about the clock. You can build confidence and establish a time for this benchmark.
Reduce the total number of reps or perform the intermediate option.
To adjust the complexity of the movement, consider a jumping ring muscle-up, a banded ring muscle-up, pull-ups or chest-to-bar pull-ups + dips, or low-ring transitions.
In case of injury or limitation, perform low-ring transitions or a single-arm dumbbell hang clean and shoulder press.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
Ring muscle-ups
- Your workout is over if you complete 30 reps before the 10-minute mark.
Beginner option:
For time:
30 low-ring muscle-up transitions
Coaching cues:
To link ring muscle-ups together, at the top of the rep, let the shoulders fall back behind the rings while the arms push the body away from the rings. The feet should be directly below the body, if not slightly in front, as you are pushing away. This technique will send you right into the next swing.
The Kipping Muscle-Up
Jumping Ring Muscle-Up
Toe-Assisted Ring Muscle Up
Kipping Floor Muscle-Up
Low-Ring Muscle-Up Tips
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5 rounds for time of:
12 push jerks
12 back squats
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is just you and the barbell. The loading should feel moderate and allow you to perform at least 2 of the 5 rounds unbroken. A short break between movements is totally fine, but some athletes may be able to finish the last push jerk, lower the bar down to the back rack, and then begin the back squats. If you follow the loading stimulus, the goal is to minimize rest and complete as many sets as possible unbroken. Overall, this workout should take less than 10 minutes. Some advanced athletes may be able to go sub-5. The barbell should come from the floor. Do not use a rack unless there is an injury or limitation.
Reduce the load of the barbell to maintain the safety and integrity of each movement, including being able to get the barbell safely from the ground to the back rack.
Reduce the complexity of the push jerk by performing a push press or shoulder press. Consider using dumbbells to reduce the complexity of both movements.
In case of injury or limitation, perform a single-arm dumbbell push jerk or push press and a dumbbell goblet squat. To eliminate the barbell, perform a push-up and an air squat.
Intermediate option:
5 rounds for time of:
12 push jerks
12 back squats
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
12 push jerks
12 back squats
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
To keep from having to reset the feet on every lift, when you are performing the push jerk, set your feet up in your squat stance. When you jump and land, pick your feet up and put them down in the same spot.
The Push Jerk
The Back Squat
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21-15-9 reps for time of:
Front squats
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
♀ 145 lb
♂ 205 lb
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a moderate-to-heavy sprint effort. While this workout does have Fran vibes, expect it to be a bit more challenging. Use a weight and volume for the front squats that allow you to complete the reps in 3 sets or less. For example, completing the set of 21 as 7/7/7. For the chest-to-bar pull-ups, you should be able to complete the reps in a similar manner.
Reduce the loading of the barbell to complete each round in 3 sets or less. If you prefer to attempt the prescribed load and pull-up variation, reduce the volume to 15-12-9 or 12-9-6 reps.
To decrease the complexity of the front squat, consider using dumbbells held in a front rack or a kettlebell held in a goblet position. For the chest-to-bar pull-ups, reduce the complexity by performing chin-over-bar pull-ups, jumping pull-ups, or ring rows.
In case of injury or limitations, perform your front squats to an elevated target, or substitute with a front-rack lunge, or an air squat. For the chest-to-bar pull-ups, perform single-arm ring rows or a bent-over dumbbell row.
Intermediate option:
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Front squats
♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lb
Beginner option:
12-9-6 reps for time of:
Front squats
Ring rows
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb
Coaching cues:
On the chest-to-bar pull-ups, consider widening your grip on the pull-up bar. As you are performing reps, extend your upper chest toward the bar to make contact easier. These tips work for both butterfly and kipping pull-ups.
The Front Squat
The Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Butterfly Pull-Up
The Ring Row
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For time:
2,000-meter row
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Compare to 190720 and similar 240213.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a benchmark. If you have completed this benchmark previously, look back to your last attempt and use the information to help you attack the row. Push for a PR today. If this is your first time, ease into your first 500 meters and try to increase your pace the further you get into the effort. Most athletes can perform this effort as prescribed and record a benchmark time in the CrossFit Games app.
Reduce the total distance of the effort.
In case of injury or limitation, perform a 1,600-meter run or 3,500/5,000-meter Echo bike.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
On an 8-minute clock:
Row meters for distance
Coaching cues:
In your first 500 meters, hold 1-3 seconds faster than your target pace overall. In the middle 1,000 meters, pull back to your target pace. In the final 500 meters, find out what’s left in the tank.
Rowing Technique Tips
Fixing Common Rowing Errors
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Rest Day
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When you have your own CrossFit "garage" gym, every morning or evening is an opportunity to do some mobility work and practice air squats, thrusters, handstands, or any other skill you want to master. Having a space at home is not just ideal — it can be life-changing.
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Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
2 wall walks
2 deadlifts
♀ 205 lb
♂ 315 lb
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Stimulus and Strategy:
The goal today is to perform at least 1 round per minute. Reduce the difficulty of the wall walks to complete each round in 30 seconds or less. Loading of the barbell should feel moderate to heavy, allowing you to maintain unbroken sets for the majority of the workout.
Reduce the loading of the barbell.
To decrease the complexity of the wall walks, reduce the range of motion by only taking two to three steps toward the wall, or performing an inchworm + a push-up.
In case of injury or limitation, perform a sumo deadlift with a barbell, kettlebell, or dumbbell in place of the deadlifts. If needed, eliminate the external loading and perform a GHD hip extension or a PVC good morning. As for the wall walks, perform an inchworm + push-up or shoulder taps in a plank hold.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
2 wall walks
2 deadlifts
♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lb
Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
2 inchworm + push-ups
2 deadlifts
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb
Coaching cues:
This barbell will get heavy. Take a deep breath, brace your core, and pull your shoulders back and down. Don’t get caught being lazy.
The Wall Walk
The Deadlift
Inchworm + Push-Up
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2 rounds for time of:
50 alternating dumbbell snatches
50 wall-ball shots
♀ 35-lb dumbbell and 14-lb medicine ball to 9-foot target
♂ 50-lb dumbbell and 20-lb medicine ball to 10-foot target
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a short-to-moderate duration effort. The challenge is hanging on when you really want to rest. Aim to complete this effort in 15 minutes or less. Some advanced athletes may be able to go sub 10 minutes. Use a load for both movements that allows you to maintain large sets.
Reduce the overall volume by completing 20-30 reps for each movement. Reduce the loading of the dumbbell and medicine ball to maintain sets of 15 or more reps for intermediate athletes and 10 or more reps for beginners.
Reduce the complexity of the dumbbell snatch by performing a hang dumbbell snatch. As for the wall-ball shots, reduce the height of the target.
In case of injury or limitation, perform a single-arm dumbbell snatch on the unaffected arm. If there is an overhead limitation, perform a dumbbell clean or sumo deadlift high pull. For the wall-ball shots, perform a med-ball front squat if there is an overhead limitation or a med-ball push press if there is a squatting limitation.
Intermediate option:
2 rounds for time of:
50 alternating dumbbell snatches
50 wall-ball shots
♀ 25-lb dumbbell and 10-lb medicine ball to 9-foot target
♂ 35-lb dumbbell and 14-lb medicine ball to 10-foot target
Beginner option:
2 rounds for time of:
30 alternating dumbbell snatches
30 wall-ball shots
♀ 10-lb dumbbell and 6-lb medicine ball to 9-foot target
♂ 15-lb dumbbell and 10-lb medicine ball to 10-foot target
Coaching cues:
To maintain a better back position in the dumbbell snatch, focus on bracing your abdominals and maintaining an active shoulder as you return the dumbbell to the ground to begin the next repetition.
The Dumbbell Snatch
The Wall-Ball Shot
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12 rounds for time, starting with 1 and adding an exercise each round:
1 wall walk
2 candlestick rocks
3 burpees
4 push-ups
5 walking lunges
6 air squats
7 sit-ups
8 jumping squats
9 jumping lunges
10 broad jumps
11 handstand push-ups
12 single-leg squats
Perform this workout like the "12 Days of Christmas" song. In Round 1, perform 1 wall walk. In Round 2, perform 2 candlestick rocks, then 1 wall walk. In Round 3, perform 3 burpees, 2 candlestick rocks, and 1 wall walk. Continue adding a new exercise each round.
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Compare to 231225.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is all bodyweight movements. Scale the difficulty of each element so you can keep moving and perform the reps of each movement unbroken — more moving and less hook-gripping your shorts.
The exercises with the most reps are push-ups through jumping lunges — anywhere from 36 to 42 reps. Reduce the reps as needed or only perform the even rounds (i.e., in Round 1, perform 2 candlesticks, then 1 inchworm. In Round 2, complete 4 knee push-ups, 3 burpees, 2 candlesticks, then 1 inchworm. Continue adding two new exercises each even round).
To reduce the complexity of these bodyweight movements, reduce the range of motion. For example, on the wall walks, only take two steps toward the wall or perform an inchworm. On the burpees, perform an up-down. On the handstand push-ups, perform a dumbbell shoulder press or pike push-up. And for the single-leg squats, use a higher target or do an air squat.
In case of injury or limitation, substitute equipment to preserve the movement function as much as possible, or choose an alternative suitable for your situation.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
12 rounds for time, starting with 1 and adding an exercise each round:
1 inchworm
2 candlestick rocks
3 burpees
4 push-ups from the knees
5 walking lunges
6 air squats
7 sit-ups
8 jumping squats
9 jumping lunges
10 broad jumps
11 dumbbell shoulder presses
12 box step-ups
♀ 10-lb dumbbell, 12-inch box
♂ 15-lb dumbbell, 20-inch box
Perform the workout like the "12 Days of Christmas" song. In Round 1, perform 1 inchworm. In Round 2, perform 2 candlesticks, then 1 inchworm. In Round 3, perform 3 burpees, 2 candlesticks, then 1 inchworm. Continue adding a new exercise each round.
Coaching cues:
As you lower yourself to the bottom of an air squat, think about grabbing the floor with your toes and “screwing” your feet into the ground. This will keep your knees tracking your toes and your entire foot in contact with the ground.
The Wall Walk
Candlestick Conditioning Drills
The Burpee
The Push-Up
The Walking Lunge
The Air Squat
The AbMat Sit-Up
The Broad Jump
The Kipping Handstand Push-Up
The Single-Leg Squat
Push-Up on the Knees
The Dumbbell Press
The Box Step-Up
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3 rounds for time of:
21 front squats
15 box jumps
9 strict handstand push-ups
♀ 105-lb barbell and 20-inch box
♂ 155-lb barbell and 24-inch box
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a short-to-moderate duration effort and is going to take some mental fortitude to push through the front squats. The goal is to choose a weight you can hang on to for all 21 reps. This shouldn’t be easy, but it also shouldn’t be extremely hard. It should be a grind. After the front squats, be careful on your first box jump. Plan to jump a little higher than you think you need to. For the handstand push-ups, choose an option that allows you to complete your reps in 1 minute or less.
Reduce the loading of the barbell and the height of the box.
Maintain the stimulus of the jump unless you have an injury or limitation, in which case you can switch to a step-up. For the handstand push-ups, consider performing dumbbell shoulder presses, or pike push-ups.
In case of injury or limitation, perform your squats to a target or perform air squats. For the box jumps, reduce the height and perform step-ups or 30 seconds on the bike. For the handstand push-ups, consider a single dumbbell shoulder press or push-ups from the knees.
Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
21 front squats
15 box jumps
9 dumbbell shoulder presses
♀ 75-lb barbell, 35-lb dumbbells, and 20-inch box
♂ 115-lb barbell, 50-lb dumbbells, and 24-inch box
Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
15 front squats
12 box step-ups
5 dumbbell shoulder presses
♀ 35-lb barbell, 15-lb dumbbells, and 12-inch box
♂ 45-lb barbell, 20-lb dumbbells, and 20-inch box
Coaching cues:
When you are front squatting, find a spot on the wall above your natural gaze. This spot is where you want to drive your elbows throughout each of your reps.
The Front Squat
The Box Jump
The Strict Handstand Push-Up
The Box Step-Up
The Dumbbell (Shoulder) Press
Handstand Push-Up Variations
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For time:
10 snatches
40 air squats
8 snatches
40 air squat
6 snatches
40 air squats
4 snatches
40 air squats
2 snatches
♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lb
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Stimulus and Strategy: Today’s workout is a gymnastics and weightlifting couplet. Athletes should aim to complete this workout in 14 minutes or less. Expect the air squats to make the snatches more difficult than you want them to be. The loading of the snatches should be moderate to heavy. Some athletes may be able to perform a few touch-and-go reps, however, most will find success in performing quick singles.
Scaling: Reduce the load of the barbell to complete the first 10 snatches in 2 minutes or less. Reduce the reps of the air squats to complete each set in 1:30 or less. Reduce the complexity of the snatch by performing a hang snatch. In case of injury or limitation, perform a hang snatch or single-arm dumbbell snatch in place of the snatch. For the air squats, consider squatting to a target, or performing a lunge or a box step-up.
Intermediate option:
For time:
10 snatches
40 air squats
8 snatches
40 air squats
6 snatches
40 air squats
4 snatches
40 air squats
2 snatches
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
10 snatches
15 air squats
8 snatches
15 air squats
6 snatches
15 air squats
4 snatches
15 air squats
2 snatches
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues: Especially as fatigue accumulates in your lower body, focus on finishing the second and third pulls. Don’t get caught trying to “sneak” under the barbell.
The Snatch
The Power Snatch
The Air Squat
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On a 2-minute clock for 5 rounds, complete:
100-foot farmers carry
30 anchored sit-ups
Max dumbbell squat cleans in the remaining time
Rest 1 minute between rounds.
♀ 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 50-lb dumbbells
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In today’s workout, you need to push the pace in order to start working on your score. Set up a farmers carry route that is 50 feet out and 50 feet back. As soon as you get back, put your dumbbells down, put your toes under the dumbbell handles, and begin your sit-ups. The goal is to have at least 30 seconds to perform squat cleans. So, reduce the distance of the carry and reps of the sit-ups as needed. As for the loading of the dumbbells, you should be able to hang on for the entire farmers carry and perform at least 7 squat cleans before needing a quick break. If in doubt today, go lighter and do more reps.
Intermediate option:
On a 2-minute clock for 5 rounds, complete:
100-foot farmers carry
30 anchored sit-ups
Max dumbbell squat cleans in the remaining time
Rest 1 minute between rounds.
♀ 20-lb dumbbells
♂ 35-lb dumbbells
Beginner option:
On a 2-minute clock for 5 rounds, complete:
50-foot farmers carry
15 anchored sit-ups
Max dumbbell hang squat cleans in the remaining time
Rest 1 minute between rounds.
♀ 10-lb dumbbells
♂ 15-lb dumbbells
Coaching cues:
Play around with your foot position on the squat cleans. Consider keeping your feet in your squat stance and touching the dumbbell on the ground in between your feet. This “sumo deadlift” to squat clean technique can speed up your reps.
The Dumbbell Farmers Carry
The Anchored Sit-Up
The Dumbbell Hang (Squat) Clean
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Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 push presses
10 kettlebell swings
10 box jumps
♀ 75-lb barbell, 35-lb kettlebell, and 20-inch box
♂115-lb barbell, 53-lb kettlebell, and 24-inch box
Compare to 221029.
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Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, Oklahoma, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group, Fort Lewis, Washington, died Sept. 29, 2009, in Jolo Island, Philippines, from the detonation of an improvised explosive device. Martin is survived by his wife Ashley; parents Jack and Cheryl; and siblings Abe, Mandi, Amber, and Abi.
For today’s Hero workout, reduce the weight on the push presses and kettlebell swings, and the height of the box so you can perform each exercise unbroken with minimal rest during transitions. Don’t let the load keep you from moving — the goal is constant movement for the duration of the workout.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 push presses
10 kettlebell swings
10 box jumps
♀ 65-lb barbell, 35-lb kettlebell, 20-inch box
♂ 95-lb presses, 53-lb kettlebell, 24-inch box
Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 push presses
10 kettlebell swings
10 box step-ups
♀ 35-lb barbell, 18-lb kettlebell, 12-inch box ♂ 45-lb barbell, 26-lb kettlebell, 20-inch box
Coaching cues:
To speed up the kettlebell swings, focus on pulling the bell back into the starting position between your legs.
The Push Press
The Kettlebell Swing
The Box Jump
The Box Step-Up
Class Demo: Jack From 221029
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts
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5 rounds for time of:
6 wall walks
30 alternating single-leg squats
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Today’s workout is a gymnastics couplet that falls in the moderate time domain. Expect the combination of being upside down, then squatting on one leg to be a bit disorienting. Remember to breathe, get your balance, and keep moving. Reduce the volume and movement complexity for wall walks to finish all reps in 2 minutes or less. As for the single-leg squats, reduce volume and change to alternating reverse lunges if needed to keep moving at a steady pace and finish in 2 minutes or less.
Intermediate option:
5 rounds for time of:
4 wall walks
20 alternating single-leg squats
Beginner option:
5 rounds for time of:
4 inchworm + push-ups from the knees
12 alternating reverse lunges
Coaching cues:
If you struggle with balance on the single-leg squat, lean slightly toward the leg you are squatting on and remember to keep the knee tracking in line with the toes.
The Wall Walk
The Single-Leg Squat
Inchworm + Push-Up From the Knees
Reverse Lunge
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For time:
Run 5,000 meters
Compare to 240423.
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If executed properly, this workout challenges the boundaries of human performance and requires no equipment. It's a fantastic test of stamina, endurance, and mental fortitude. Experienced athletes should try for a PR on this benchmark effort. Look back at your previous time to help determine an appropriate pace. Newer athletes should reduce the distance to complete the run in no more than 20 minutes.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
On a 20-minute clock:
Run for distance
Coaching cues:
To avoid inefficient movement patterns while you run, imagine you’re running on the crossties of a railroad track, keeping your feet right under your body and landing on the balls of your feet.
CrossFit Benchmark Workout 5K Run at Coast Range CrossFit From 230804
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